OHS Legislation requires that each employer must create and implement in house, or on the job, training that is specific to the equipment or procedures that the employee may encounter with that employer. This training is to ensure the competency of each employee to complete each task assigned to them and to safely operate all equipment. Equipment that requires in house training would be machines such as forklifts, skid steers, over-head cranes, etc.
PPE requires on the job training as well. When employees are required to use equipment such as gas monitors, SCBA, fall protection systems etc. they must be provided with training that is specific to that equipment. This training is to ensure that they are competent to safely use the exact make and model of equipment that is in use within your business.
Performance Business Consulting has created employer specific on the job training and competency verification systems for many types of equipment, procedures and PPE, and would be happy to assist you in creating and implementing a system that suits your business. For many clients we assist in creating and implementing the following employer specific trainings: